19 April 2011

Onwards and Upwards

the last few weeks has been a a roller coaster of emotion for me. as much as i hate that cliche, saying it's been "volatile" seems like i've been in danger or had my life threatened. that is definitely not the case. i have typical white girl problems—don't get paid enough at work, stressful day at the office, relationship issues, errands to run, friends to

when in reality, i should be thankful i have a job at all, grateful for work to do, happy about my newly single status, appreciative that i have a car to run errands in and money to fill it up with gas, and ecstatic that people even want to be my friend and actually choose to hang out with me. as of this past weekend, i've finally started living up to the latter instead of the former. being happy just for the sake of being happy.
utterly happy in Montana, summer 2007.

excited about the future and what it holds, for me personally, for my friends, for my family. seems like everyone i know is on the verge of something big happening, and I'm thrilled to be along for the ride. i know all mine will come in time. i'm in no rush.

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