17 April 2011

First Things First

so this is my first post in what i hope to be a long line of insightful, thought-provoking, and amazing posts. ok, so that clearly won't be the case all the time (case in point=this post), but, dammit, i'm gonna try! just wanted to break the ice by getting a first post down. hopefully the following posts will live up to whatever expectations i have for this blog.

right now i'm struggling with the idea of how and when to share this blog. part of me wants to build up a nice archive of posts before i start to shove it down anyone's throat, but the other part of me is so giddy and excited and just wants to share it with the world. i'll probably give it a week before i make any decisions. this blog won't be too risque or anything, i just don't know how the best way to go about it is, especially when family and friends are the main audience. (although i would love a larger audience of all you interwebz people!) i guess the whole point of a blog is to share anyway, right?

a little about me (which i will also share in the about me link somewhere on this blog--crazy, i know!):
i am an outdoor magazine editor in Colorado. my life revolves around the outdoors, hiking, backpacking, climbing, skiing, art, music, photography, food, and my dog lizzie. also known as lizard, lizzles, lizzieface, punkin, mish mish, mizzles, etc. i started this blog to share with my friends and family across the country, record present and future travels and adventures, and provide a place to share photos and words from my daily life. i also want to write more and improve my writing, so a blog seems like an obvious choice. i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i do living it! :)


p.s. the name "life of jooly" came about because my parents as far back as i can remember used to always say, "living the life of julie," which basically means doing whatever you want whenever you want. they always accompanied it with the gesture of putting your hands behind your head and kicking your feet up. not that i was a spoiled brat with no discipline, it just means deciding what you want and going after it without letting anyone stand in your way. of course, i had amazing parents who let me do whatever i wanted when it came to my life: playing sports, traveling, picking a college, double-majoring in photojournalism and studio art, working seasonal jobs in national parks, moving across the country, getting a job at my dream magazine, etc. etc. basically i've been living the life of julie for 24 (almost 25) years with no plans to stop any time soon. oh, and i spell my name jooly sometimes just for fun and to change it up a bit. phonetics are phun!

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