21 May 2011

big changes

i remember having specific thoughts this winter about what made me happy. usually i would be having a good day at work, and i would step away from my desk and think to myself, "i have a great life. i have a great boyfriend, a great dog, a great house, and a great job." and i was genuinely happy. of course those peak times were riddled with low points and so-so times, but for the most part, i identified those 4 elements as being a great source of joy for me.

as winter has given way to a wet spring, i only have one of those things left (luckily it's the great dog! and i still have my job—it's just been not so great lately), and the rest have gone by the way side. it's funny, though, because when i realized the other day that 3 of those exact elements that comprised my happiness were actually gone (or dramatically changed), my happiness didn't just evaporate. my thought process went something like this, "your boyfriend is gone, you have to leave your house, and your job isn't what you want it to be any more. oh... ok." and then it was immediately on to other things. i didn't dwell or even feel any bit of sadness. it just was. that for me is a really empowering realization because i've had the tendency to brood about and obsess over unhappy events/times in my life. like if i think about it enough and make myself hurt enough, it will be over sooner. (not usually the case)

either way, this is promising to be an amazing spring and summer, and i'm glad to be able to share it with y'all.

before hiking longs peak, rmnp, colorado, summer 2009.

hiking mt. clements, glacier np, summer 2008.

lizzles testing a product called "doggles" in the office, fall 2010.

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