24 April 2011

raining in colorado

this is quite the anomaly for a state that claims to get 300 days of sunshine every year. don't get me wrong, i love those bluebird days where the sun shines until 9 p.m. and it's a crime not to be outside all day. but being from the southeast, i'm used to a rainy and wet spring with gray, dark days that make it completely ok to stay inside and read or watch a few movies. i miss the rain.

but we've been getting plenty the last week or so, with a bit of wet snow mixed in there. i'm really loving every minute of it and hope it goes on for a looong time. (forecast says it will last all week—i'll take it!)

my weekend was awesome: friday night (earth day!) was microbreweries for the environment, a great little idea where local breweries bring their beer, sell it for cheap, and the money goes to local environmental nonprofits. also includes live bluegrass and folk music as well as bluegrass and folk dancing (my personal favorite).

recovered on saturday because microbrews are delicious but strong. did some stuff around the house then went to a friend of a friend of a friend's house for arrested development trivia. sunday was ski touring in preparation for my upcoming trip to iceland, which i'm sure i'll talk about later in detail :), painting, walk with lizzie, and a cup of tea. perfect.

this is the makeshift studio in my room. i've been working on that red painting of lizzie that's propped up on the table.

dougald, my boss and ski instructor for the day, checking the bindings on my skis.

the area we toured for the day. this was before the storm came up out of nowhere and cut visibility down to about 15 feet. we respected the power of the mountains and came down soon after that.

1 comment:

  1. you should make your images clickable so they can be enlarged on a separate page so i can stalk and memorize all the details in your life. (love the pictures with clothespins btw)


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